Nutritionist blog

Most dialysis patients need to limit their fluid intake to be as healthy as possible.

More fluid gain will lead to uncontrolled Blood pressure. As kidney dialysis patient no longer remove fluid, patient would be better if there is no fluid gain, in order to do a comfortable dialysis, the patient should not gain too much fluid over dry weight.

Some of the common problems that come up with drinking too much water include:

  • Too much salt in the diet
  • Dry mouth (a side effect of many medications)
  • Drinking more water to take medications
  • Poor blood sugar control
  • Eating lot of spicy food
  • More intense exercise
  • Warmer weather / being outside more

Tips for Thirst control:

Take sips not gulps and use small cup, can, bottle.

Freeze Your Water Bottle (Fill it halfway, place it in the freezer overnight, in the morning, and fill it to the top with fresh, cold water.)

Use Frozen Fruits Instead Of Ice water (Freeze Kidney -friendly fruit: grapes, berries, or pineapple chunks and suck on one. Having something cold in your mouth can help.

Use reusable Ice Cubes.

Brush your teeth and tongue regularly and use non-alcohol mouthwash for dry mouth. Keeping it in the refrigerator can keep it nice and cold.

Keep a supply of hard candy, like mints, lemon drops, or sour balls. They lubricate your mouth and help decrease thirst.

Avoid the midday sun and try a chill towel.